Health Challenges بیماریهای جسمی و روحی
استقامت و وفاداری توصیف ناپذیر پروانه عزیزبه خداوند علیرغم عبور از دردها و

استقامت و وفاداری توصیف ناپذیر پروانه عزیزبه خداوند علیرغم عبور از دردها و

Parvaneh came to the UK in 1986 from Iran. She came to know the Lord in England. Together with the help of some other Iranian ministers, they founded the Iranian church in London in 1987. After serving in the Iranian church for some years, she is a member of an English-speaking church.

(You can hear the full testimony in this link

Parvaneh is sharing about the pains and sufferings she went through in her life and how she endured through all those pains. When she was born, her heart stopped beating for one or two minutes but God miraculously saved her.

Later on, when she was a teenager she suffered from severe sinus-related pains for about 8 years. She had an accident in the bathroom and most of her body was burnt. There are still signs of burns on her arms. Another tragedy she faced in her life was that about 25 years ago, two of her brothers were killed by the Islamic revolution of Iran. Her third brother was tortured by the government, and he is has been suffering from mental illness as the result. He is not allowed to leave Iran. Parvaneh’s father was so tormented emotionally hearing the news of his sons that he had a heart stroke in his sleep in his early 70s.

Parvaneh left Iran some years after the revolution, in 1986. She still misses her home country as she has not been there for 35 years. She comes from the Northern part of Iran.

When she came to London, she experienced some other pains. For about 8 years she was suffering from severe stomach acidity. For many years after that, she has been suffering from bone-related diseases such as arthritis. Because of these diseases, she has been receiving strong injections and medications. She has also suffered from bursitis disease and carpal tunnel syndrome. In addition to all this, She has also been experiencing severe tinnitus for the past few years. The latest disease she has been suffering from is macular degeneration in her eye.
Thankfully God intervened in her eye-related problem with the help of a professor and through prayer. The eye-related problem is now resolved. She has experienced other mental, emotional, and family-related problems alongside her illnesses that she can’t go through the details in this video.

She is sharing about what factors have helped her to keep going amid all the crises and diseases she has been going through. The first point is that she is thinking very positively about her situation.

a) She is grateful to God for all the members of her body that are functional. She is grateful to God that amid her physical pains she can still walk and talk and can keep going.

b) She remembers the cost Jesus paid for her on the cross to save her. This brings deep joy to her life

c) She worships the Lord and prays to him daily. This helps her to take the focus off her problems and focus on God’s presence and rejoice in him.

d) She has a very faithful and supportive husband. He has been supporting her mentally, practically, and financially. e) Many Church friends are praying for her regularly. She receives the grace and strength she needs as the result of the united prayer of the church friends.

f) She keeps busy serving the Lord. Serving the Lord helps her to feel positive and joyful in the Lord

Following she shares about some of the ministries she along with her husband have been involved at:
Parvaneh and her husband help refugees. They provide some of them with financial and pastoral support until they get settled. They meantime have the opportunity to share the good news of the gospel with them. They help them to become disciples of Jesus and join the body of Christ.

Parvaneh has been a public speaker for many years. She spoke in a theological college for 8 years about her life and Islam. She has also been sharing her testimony and about Iran and what God is doing amongst Iranians in different churches.

Parvaneh is also the leader of evangelism in their church. She is leading a group that does street evangelism a few times a month and prays for those who receive the message.

Her husband, Nigel is supporting the war-afflicted victims in Lebanon. He will share this in the future with us.
Parvaneh is encouraging others to know that despite all the sufferings we go through in our lives, we should never give up serving God as the sufferings help us to get stronger in our faith. She refers to a couple of biblical passages in line with her talk. The first one is from James which says:

“2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,[a] whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” James 1:2-3

She also refers to Romans which is as follows:

“35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? 36 As it is written: “For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.”37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”Romans 8:35-39

She is finishing her talk by encouraging everyone to remember that we should think positively about our situations because our Lord is with us and he will never leave nor forsake us. He will give us the strength we need to keep going amid our pains and sufferings.

عزیزان قبل از گوش دادن به شهادت پرقدرت پروانه عزیز در عبور از دردهای زندگی شان تشویقتان میکنیم به شهادت قوی و معجزه آسای ایمان آوردن وی به مسیح که خیلی سال پیش توسط موسسه ای مسیحی تهیه شده و لینک آن را ذیلا با شما به اشتراک گذاشتیم گوش دهید.