تجربه ماریت و خانواده عزيز در مواجهه با شهادت کشیش میکاییلیان

Mariet Michaelian was born in a Christian family. When she was about 10 years old she gave her life to Jesus. She and her family would serve in the Armenian evangelical church in Iran. Her father, Rev Tateos Michaelian was the pastor of the church. After her dad’s martyrdom, Mariet along with her husband went to Beirut to study Christian […]

نگاهی برمقوله خودکشی در چهارچوب کتابمقدس و ایمان مسیحی

شما عزیزان به طور خاص مسیحیان و خادمین مسیحی را تشویق میکنیم به این گفتگوی بسیاری مهمی که با دکتر اشکان عزیز حول مقوله خودکشی در چهارچوب ایمان مسیحی داشتیم گوش دهید. ایشان به زیبایی به نمونه های مختلفی از مردان خدا که افکار بسیار ناامید کننده ای داشتند اشاره میکنند و در این چهارچوب راهکردهای مهمی برای مقابله با […]

عمل فیض عظیم خدا در زندگی پسر میترای عزیز علیرغم مشکلات جسمانی اش

Mitra lives in Athens. She has been there for over four years. She works with a Christian charity. They donate clothing and food to refugees in need. She mainly works with Iranians and Afghan refugees. She has been able to share God’s love with them through this ministry. When she was 14 years old she came to know the Lord. […]