Health Challenges بیماریهای جسمی و روحی
عمل فیض عظیم خدا در زندگی پسر میترای عزیز علیرغم مشکلات جسمانی اش

عمل فیض عظیم خدا در زندگی پسر میترای عزیز علیرغم مشکلات جسمانی اش

Mitra lives in Athens. She has been there for over four years. She works with a Christian charity. They donate clothing and food to refugees in need. She mainly works with Iranians and Afghan refugees. She has been able to share God’s love with them through this ministry.

When she was 14 years old she came to know the Lord. She went through some personal challenges in her life. She got married to a man who did not believe in God. After she got married, despite going through a lot of marital issues, her faith became stronger.

She prayed to God asking him if he would grant them a son, she would dedicate him to God. She eventually got pregnant. When she was 7 months pregnant, her husband hit her badly and as a result, the baby suffered partial brain damaged. Half of his brain was smaller than the other half a condition called spastic diplegia muscular illness. She named her son Jonathan. A consequence of this condition is his muscles are stiff. Since he was born, he was not able to speak, hear or chew food.

When Jonathan was 2 years old during a time of prayer in the Church, Mitra received a word of prophecy from a sister saying that God would heal him in 3 stages. Straight after that prayer, Jonathan was able to stand up for the first time, and things slightly improved with his health over time.

Mitra shares that despite all the limitations facing her son, as Jonathan grew she could witness God’s goodness. She never questioned God about Jonathan’s health issues. She shares that even when she came to London when Jonathan was a young child the doctors in UK were not at all optimistic about Jonathan’s future. However, she never gave up. She constantly remembered God’s promises and would strengthen herself with God’s divine promises.

She does not deny the fact that as a single mum she was going through difficult days dealing with her son’s condition. It was hard work raising him with these health challenges. She had to learn sign language to communicate with him. However, when she would feel low and overloaded emotionally, the only place she would take refuge was in God’s presence.

He was initially very slow at learning, however, Mitra showed perseverance. As a result, Jonathan gradually improved in his studies. Out of 6000 students in the county where Mitra lived, 12 students were rewarded as one of the most improved students and Jonathan was one of them. Not only that, but He graduated from university with a degree in acting and theatre.

She believes that Jonathan has been a gift from God. From his young age, Mitra would remind him of the fact that he has a very good and caring heavenly father. She had a great impact on his spiritual growth, encouraging him to learn the word of God and to pray to God One of the greatest miracles in Jonathan’s life was that he found the love of his life and they got married 4 years ago.

Mitra testifies how the help and support of her family and the church has been a source of joy and comfort to her. The church stood with her through prayers and other supports.

Her advice to those parents who go through similar crises is to see the difficult circumstance of their lives the way God sees them. She believes that we should never question God’s goodness. When we take our problems to God, he gives us the strength and wisdom to see things the way he sees them. And He can use our situation to bless others. Let us pray for Mitra and her family and her precious ministry in Athens.

عزیزان با عرض پوزش به خاطر مشکل اینترنت ضعیف تصویر خواهر میترای عزیز خیلی واضح نیست ولی مطالب و سخنان ایشان بسیار تاثیر گذار هست. باشد که باعث برکت شما عزیزان باشد.