Bereavement مرگ نزدیکان
تجربه ماریت و خانواده عزيز در مواجهه با شهادت کشیش میکاییلیان

تجربه ماریت و خانواده عزيز در مواجهه با شهادت کشیش میکاییلیان

Mariet Michaelian was born in a Christian family. When she was about 10 years old she gave her life to Jesus. She and her family would serve in the Armenian evangelical church in Iran. Her father, Rev Tateos Michaelian was the pastor of the church.

After her dad’s martyrdom, Mariet along with her husband went to Beirut to study Christian theology. They went back to Iran and served in Iran for 7 years. They moved to the USA in 2017. She was able to get her Ph.D. in the field of education. She and her husband have served in the churches in America. They are directors of the children’s ministry. She is also preparing lessons for Pars theological college (an Iranian Christian bible school based in the UK.) Mariet’s dad was born in an Armenian orthodox family in Tehran. He got his BA in the field of Law in Iran. He had a good job at the petroleum company as a very good translator. However, after he gave his life to the Lord, he felt a great passion for God’s work. He got his degree in Christian theology in Beirut. He, therefore, resigned from the well-paid job and got involved at various Christian ministries.

He was both the executive secretary of the Bible society and the council of the evangelical church in Tehran. He was meantime pastoring a Persian-speaking church over the final years of his life. All his life was dedicated to the service of the Lord. Rosita KennedyHe loved reading Persian literature, theological and philosophical books. He translated over 60 books into Farsi. Up to the time, he passed away he took every opportunity to read different educative books. Even though he was an Armenian pastor, he was involved in ministries with Persian-speaking Christians. He loved Iran and Iranians. He believed that God has a great plan for Iranians. He believed that the gospel should be shared throughout Iran. He would always protest against the crimes against persecuting Christians in Iran. He would always stand on the truth of the gospel with boldness. He was threatened to be killed by the authorities if he continued serving Muslim converts to Christianity. He believed that he had to remain faithful to God’s mission in his life no matter what the cost.

27 years ago, few days before Mariet was about to give birth to her daughter, her father left the house and did not come back home. Mariet and the family started contacting many places including governmental offices to get an idea of where he would be. They informed the church, and many Christians were praying about the situation.

Mariet had to go through a Caesarean operation to give birth to her daughter. However, she was very unsettled not knowing where her Dad was. She and the family knew that due to his active ministry his life could be in danger. She kept praying to God asking him to let her dad come back alive. Even though she was joyful about the birth of her daughter, but she was so sad about the unknown situation they were facing in regards to her Dad. Just before Mariet gave birth to her daughter her brother had gone to a morgue in Tehran and he found their Dad’s dead body there. The authorities, at last, announced that the opposition groups in Iran have killed Rev. Tateos (Mariet’s dad). All family was mourning including the church members over the loss of him.

Mariet did not know anything about her Dad’s martyrdom until a few days after he was killed. She believes that her daughter was a great gift from God to comfort her during those difficult times.

She testifies how her Dad would resemble Christ and had a Christlike life. He was very humble and brave. He was willing to lay done his life down for Christ’s sake. Heaven was a real place for him. He believed that martyrdom is an honour that not everyone can experience.

He would give 50 percent of his income towards helping those in need. What comforted Mariet and the family was remembering the fact that nothing happened outside God’s will. This was what her dad would always remind the family of.

Another thing that comforted her and the family was the support and encouragement they received from the church including pastors like Rev Edward Hovsepian who had lost his brother 6 months before that. He was also a Christian martyr.

Many people from outside Iran would send them comforting letters. Many kids would do nice drawings to encourage them. They were surrounded by the love of the church all around the world.

She shares a passage that has been very comforting to her during those days. It is taken from Ecclesiastics 3: 23- 25 : 23 They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.24 I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.” 25 The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him.

Mariet and the family testify to the fact that it was because of God’s faithfulness and goodness that they have survived all these years. They sense God’s presence and fatherhood in their lives daily.

۲۷ سال پیش یکی از کشیشان بسیار برجسته کلیسای ایران- کشیش طاطه وس میکاییلیان به خاطر ایمان خود به خدا و خدمات مبارکی که بین فارسی زبانان انجام میدادند در ایران به شهادت رسیدند. ماریت عزیز در رابطه با آن ایام سخت صحبت میکند و اینکه چگونه توانستند با کمک خدا این سالها را پشت سر بگذارند. قطعا شهادت ایشان باعث تقویت شما در ایمانتان خواهد شد.