Health Challenges بیماریهای جسمی و روحی
اعتماد قوی مریم عزیز و همسرشان به خدا در برخورد با بیماری دختر عزیزشان

اعتماد قوی مریم عزیز و همسرشان به خدا در برخورد با بیماری دختر عزیزشان

Maryam came to know the Lord 15 years ago. Maryam and her husband are pastoring an Iranian church in the UK.

In 2013 they decided to have a child. When Maryam was 4 months pregnant, she realized that something was wrong. She had to go to the hospital twice a day to check the heartbeat of the baby in the womb. Maryam and her husband did not understand what was happening. They asked different Christian leaders to keep them in their prayers in those difficult days. The Doctors warned them that if they did not abort the baby, she could face many health issues with her kidneys, liver, and heart. Maryam and her husband went through a difficult time to make the right decision. They were given a date to go to the doctor’s clinic for an abortion.

Maryam was praying and asking God to show her a sign to know what they must do. One day as she was shopping with her husband, they came across some Biblical verses on the floor. They were from Jonn 14: 27 and from 1 Timothy 2: 5-6 and another verse was from Psalm 31:3. They felt that God spoke to them three times through these 3 verses. The day after that, they had to go to the clinic to abort the baby. On the appointed day, she received a phone call from her brother early in the morning. His wife had given birth to their second child and they needed Maryam’s help. She rushed to help them without thinking about her appointment. She felt God had arranged things in a way that she would be distracted by another activity that day. Seeing all the different signs, they had a great peace to keep the baby.

It was a difficult pregnancy. They faced many issues until the baby was born. During those last few months, the doctor warned them about the difficult days they will have ahead of them with a baby that is ill. At last, their princess was born on 21st November 7 years ago. Her name is Elisa which means dedicated to God. she is not able to talk or walk as she is suffering from down syndrome.

Maryam says how they have experienced God’s amazing peace in their lives. They have the assurance that God is with them despite all the storms they go through. They truly enjoy their daughter. It says in Romans 5: 2-5

“Through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.”

God has put it in Maryam’s heart to reach out to families who go through similar difficulties and assure them that God is there to take their burdens. He can give them his peace. It is important to put our trust in God up until the end. God is a good God.