Persecution جفا
تجارب چگونگی عبور شادی عزيز از بحرانهای سخت زندگی اش

تجارب چگونگی عبور شادی عزيز از بحرانهای سخت زندگی اش

Shadi came to know the Lord 13 years ago. She had a very difficult childhood and went through very difficult times. Her father was a drug addict. Her parents’ relationship was affected by her Dad’s condition to the point that her mum decided to leave her Dad when Shadi was a teenager. During this time they were facing lots of financial issues. 

As a teenager, Shadi was affected mentally and emotionally by all that was happening in her parents’ lives. She experienced a sense of shame and embarrassment because of what had happened to her. She would keep a low profile so that others would not find out anything about her life. As a result she got depressed. 

She would question God as to why did he allow her to be born in such a family and experience all these trials. Six months after their parents divorce, they decided to come back to each other. However her dad’s addiction was still going on. As she had a very difficult childhood, during her teenage years she kept thinking that she could not have a bright future either. 

When she was 17 years old, she felt very hopeless about her life and future, She came to know the Lord. Over time she was able to let go of all the wounds of the past through Jesus’s help. She found hope in her future through Jesus.  

She joined a house church in Iran. Not long after joining the church she started serving the Lord for 8 years. She wanted to share God’s love with others and helps others to get to know about Jesus. Because of her church ministries, she was arrested and was put into prison. When she was interrogated in the prison, she did not know whether she would remain safe physically or not. She testifies that despite the difficult circumstances she was facing she could experience the immense presence of the Lord. She is grateful to God that he gave her enough strength not to deny Jesus under those difficult circumstances.  

A week before she was imprisoned, the Lord spoke to her from Philippians which says: 

“For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for him.” Philippians 1:29

She realized what a privilege she will have to suffer for Christ’s sake. 

She testifies in the fact that the Lord’s presence has accompanied her amid all the ups and downs of her life.  

She was eventually released from prison on bail. Against her wishes, she had to leave Iran as it was no longer safe for her to stay there. She had to take refuge in another country.  

In this new country she is facing other problems and her future is uncertain. However, she still experiences God’s presence in her life. 

She has been praying these days asking God to revive her spiritually and talk to her heart through a passage from the bible. The Lord talked to her through Psalm 16: 5- 6 which says: 

Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure. 

The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; 

surely I have a delightful inheritance.” Psalm 16:5-6

The Lord talked to Shadi telling her that He is her portion and she partakes in the Lord’s inheritance. She believes that the Lord’s presence in her life is the eternal inheritance she has in him.   

She encourages others to know that no matter what past they have gone through and no matter how unknown the future looks like, Jesus can be the eternal hope of those who put their trust in him.  

Shadi is no longer the same Shadi she used to be. She is a very hopeful person in Christ. Amen.