Persecution جفا
تجربه آتنای عزیز در رابطه با اهمیت داشتن هدف و رویا در بطن بحرانها و جفاهای زندگی

تجربه آتنای عزیز در رابطه با اهمیت داشتن هدف و رویا در بطن بحرانها و جفاهای زندگی

Atena came to know the Lord at the age of 18 and became a member of a house church in Iran. She grew there spiritually and enjoyed serving others. Because of the Christian ministries she was involved in, she was arrested and was put into prison. In prison, she went through difficult times. She was facing lots of stress and fears as a woman. But she was much more worried about the health of her parents and for the members of the church and what would happen to them. She was having some health issues in the prison. On the other hand, she would remember John 16:33 where Jesus says:

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33

This verse would encourage her a lot during those difficult days. Another thing that would inspire her a lot was the vision God had given her to serve her country. She was prompted by this verse in Habakuk which says:

“Write the vision and make it plain upon tablets, that he may run that readeth it.”

Habakuk 2:2

When Habakuk had lots of questions from God, God asked him to write down his vision. This passage and similar passages helped her not to be overwhelmed with all the anxieties and sadness the prison environment would bring upon her. She instead decided to focus on the vision she had for serving others. She looked around and realized that she could help her fellow prisoners who were drug addicts. She started washing their dirty clothes. She would pray for them so that they would give their lives to Christ. Some of her fellow prisoners started trusting her and would share their stories with her and another Christian lady in that cell. She said, she could not share openly about her Christian faith, but she could hear their pains and would pray for their needs.

In 2014 she had to leave Iran and go to another country and become a refugee there. She has been in this country for 7 years and has gone through very tough times. They have not been given refugee status to settle in another country yet. As a refugee she has had to deal with lots of challenges the refugee life imposes on her.

One day she was praying in the Church and God gave her a clear vision about ministering amongst women. For months she was praying about this vision and how she could apply it. God opened a door for her and it is two years since she has been ministering amongst Persian speaking women. There have been difficulties throughout all her ministry life, but God has been using her powerfully.

She makes the point that when we don’t’ have any vision from God for our life and ministries, we might feel confused and we might be distracted by other things and even by negative matters. We might even forget the blessings that trials and difficulties might have for our lives. When we read about Joseph, we realize that even though he was a young man, he had a vision from God that God would lift him up and use him for others. Even though his brothers betrayed him, and he was sold as a slave. He was later put into prison because Potiphar’s wife accused him.

What would keep Joseph going during his trials was the vision he had received from God, even though it took him many years to accomplish that vision. This vision helped him not to take any grudge against those who had harmed him. Instead, He would strengthen himself in the Lord during all the challenging times of his life.

Atena is encouraging us to get closer to God and to pray to God and ask him to give us new visions and purposes for our lives. When we have clear visions, they will serve like an anchor that will keep us from drowning in all the negative things of this world. We will instead be focused on what God wants us to do. We will receive the assurance from him that he has great plans for our lives. As a result we can bear fruits for his kingdom.

آتنای عزیز نمونه‌ای از خادمه وقف شده خداوند هستند که علیرغم سختیها رویای خدا را در زندگی و خدماتشان وفادارانه دنبال می کنند.