Bereavement مرگ نزدیکان
تجربه تاثیرگذار خواهر اعظم عزیز در از دست دادن فیزیکی دختر چوانشان

تجربه تاثیرگذار خواهر اعظم عزیز در از دست دادن فیزیکی دختر چوانشان

Sister Azam is originally from the city of Isfahan, Iran. She has had 5 children. She now lives in London, England. She came to know the Lord 21 years ago.

Azam lost her husband 18 years ago. Then on the 3rd July 2014, 7 days after her daughter, Elnaz celebrated her 27th birthday, she also passed away. She was a very healthy and active young lady. She was a great believer too and would serve in the church. She was admitted to the hospital with severe cold symptoms and the doctors diagnosed that she was suffering from severe pneumonia.

The Doctors did lots of tests on her. Azam had a short time to talk to her daughter whilst she was still conscious. She told her: when we are at the hospital bed, it’s a good time to meditate on our lives to see if we have committed any wrongs. She encouraged her to ask for God’s forgiveness in the areas of her life she feels she might have done wrong. She was wondering whether she was going to die and go to the Lord. Her mother told her she does not know what the future holds, however she encouraged her to pray with her. With the help of her mum, they had a good prayer, and they committed their lives to the hands of God. This is the last time sister Azam was able to talk and pray with her daughter. Before her daughter passed away, she went into a coma. During that time Sister Azam went to her bedside and prayed for her and told her: don’t be afraid. The Lord is with you even if you go through the shadow of the valley of death (Psalm 23:4). He has promised you that he will be with you. These were the last sentences she shared with her in her unconscious status.

Within 3 days after being admitted to the hospital due to a short time of being in the coma status, she passed away. Sister Azam was so shocked hearing this news, as it happened so fast. She could not even imagine how come God would let her go through such a difficult test in her life. She was faithfully serving God and her house was open to hosting believers. The thought of losing her daughter as a faithful servant of the Lord was so unbelievable for her!
She went through a very difficult time emotionally as a mother who lost her young daughter. At first, the pain was difficult to bear. It took her some time to come to her senses. She testifies that if God’s presence was not with her and if it was not because of God’s grace, she would be admitted to a mental hospital due to severe mental health issues. She is grateful to God for sustaining her during those difficult times. She testifies how reading the word of God was a great encouragement to her too.

Even though she had lost her only daughter, She knew that she had to bring up the remaining 3 sons she had. This motivated her to keep strong so that she could parent her sons in her daughter and husband’s physical absence. She has done all her best to mother them as well as she could during all these years.

Another reality that helped her deal with this difficult situation was that She did not lose sight of her hope in Christ and the reality of life after death. This was another reality that comforted her much knowing that she will one day see her loved ones including her daughter.

The help and support of other Christians was a great support and comfort to her. too However there were individuals who were not able to emphasize with her properly and caused some pain to her. But she is grateful to those who genuinely stood by her side and supported her. She is referring to Psalm 121:1 as a verse that has been a great encouragement to her when she has felt low which says:

I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from?

2 My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 121:1

She also gets much blessed reading the book of revelation. She can very much relate to the pains of all the mothers who have gone through similar pains. She is encouraging others to put their trust in God. She is inviting those who have not given their lives to Christ to open their hearts to the Lord and accept him as their personal saviour and benefit by the eternal peace they can only experience in him.

Despite going through all the pains in her life, she is still faithfully serving the Lord. She is a deacon in the Iranian church. She is very much involved in evangelism. She also helps the vulnerable refugees and some homeless people through a charity. She helped the food bank during the covid 19 by providing food for those in need. She is meantime working 4 days a week as a salesperson in shop.

She wholeheartedly serves the Lord when and where she can, and she is praying that God will be glorified in all she does for his name’s sake. Praise the Lord for all that he has done in sister Azam’s life.Rosita Kennedy