Bereavement مرگ نزدیکان
تسلی خاص خدا بر زندگی اریک عزیز در از دست دادن ناگهانی سه تن از اعضای خانواده

تسلی خاص خدا بر زندگی اریک عزیز در از دست دادن ناگهانی سه تن از اعضای خانواده

Erick was born in an Armenian Christian family in the city of Tehran. When he was 7 years old, he faced a tragic situation in his life. His parents passed away in a car accident. Suddenly Erick and his 3 brothers and one sister became orphans, and their grandmother took care of them. A few days after this incident their younger brother who was only 4 years old passed away suddenly. The doctors diagnosed the cause of the death as being a possible heart attack. He was buried next to his mother. Within a few days, he lost 3 of his close family members that was so tragic.

50 days after this incident Erick and his siblings and some family members immigrated to a European country. Erick had come to his senses more and was feeling the lack of his parents much more.

He was in a new country, and he kept thinking his parents would return to him any time. When he reached the age of 14 he had more questions from God. He would ask the following questions from God:

“Why are we left behind? Why did you let us go through this tragic situation? Did this happen to us because we had committed certain sins in our lives?

Amid all these questions he heard a soft voice telling him: “they are my children and they are with me. I won’t leave you alone and will always be with you.” Erick could not connect to what God was telling him.

In the city he was living outside Iran, he was going to a Catholic school where they would have regular morning and lunchtime prayers. He had to do those prayers as a duty. In that school, he got to know one of his classmates who was a Christian. He was telling Erick the following: “Do you know that God will never leave nor forsake us.” Erick would disagree with him telling him: “ I disagree with you. God took my parents from me. I feel so lonely.”

His friend would tell him: “God has the best plan for your life, please become friends with him. Talk to him and he will answer you.” Erick could not initially agree with what his friend was telling him. But after the long conversations, he had with his friend, the truth was revealed to him that God is alive and the voice he heard a while back was from God. His friend prayed for him and he eventually gave his life to Jesus and experienced his presence and peace in his life.

In 1999, Erick returned to Iran after many years of living abroad. He eventually got married to a lady from the country of Armenia. Erick’s wife has been a great Blessing to him over the past 21 years of his life. He believes during the darkness of his life, The light of the Lord has been shining upon his life. Following all that he had gone through, he felt God was calling him to serve others in Iran. He has in particular been a source of comfort to those who have experienced similar pains to him. He testifies that over the past 40 years since he has been walking with the Lord, he has truly experienced God’s love, mercy, and grace amid the difficult times he has gone through. He no longer suffers from the severe effects of the loss of his dear ones because he has experienced God’s deep love and joy.

We thank God for Erick and all he did in his life. If at times God allows us to go through dark times, he can use us as vessels in his hands to be a source of blessing and comfort to others.
Rosita Kennedy