Health Challenges بیماریهای جسمی و روحی
وفاداری عجیب خانواده پیمان به خدا علیرغم بیماری پاراپلژیای پیمان

وفاداری عجیب خانواده پیمان به خدا علیرغم بیماری پاراپلژیای پیمان

Parisa explains about the painful journey of her brother, Peyman. He became a paraplegic when he was 19 years old. During his military service, he suffered a stroke. Peyman was under a lot of pressure because of his Christian faith and his family suspect this may have contributed to the stroke. Parisa and her parents have been looking after him now for 14 years. He is not able to talk and he needs constant care.

Whilst he was under the care of the doctor, he, unfortunately, had a second stroke. Half of his body became paralyzed. However, he was still faithful to God and was serving him. A few years later, in a worship service at the church, he was healed, and he was able to walk. However, he still had some pain, although he would never complain about those pains even to his family. The third time he had a brain and heart stroke, the doctors realized that he had suffered a brain encephalopathy a disease which affects the brain structure or function and made him paralyzed, not able to talk.
He was in a much worse condition physically than he is now. He looks better than what he was after all these strokes. Unfortunately following the third stroke his heart stopped functioning for about 30 minutes and some of his brain cells died. As a result he can’t show appropriate physical reactions. At times he gets severely nervous and suffers spasms. The family have to work hard to bring him into a peaceful status. What touches the family the most is that after becoming calmer, he has this beautiful smile that cheers his family up.

Even though Parisa’s family would like Peyman to be in good health, however, they love him so much despite all that he is going through. What helped Peyman and his family to move forward since that incident is that, first of all, Peyman has been a very committed believer and a man of prayer. He has a very positive attitude to life. He is full of love towards his family and to the people around him.

The other thing that has helped the family to have the strength to cope with this very difficult situation is the grace of God. If it were not for the grace and mercy of God, they can’t move forward in their lives. There are times things get so difficult for them as a family to the point that they question God about this situation. They ask God why is Peyman one of the 3 million who suffers this type of condition. However, they try to lean on God more at times like this.

Some people have challenged them to take Peyman to a care home so that others can care for him. When they prayed about it as a family, they sensed God was telling them that he has given their family the honour to look after Peyman. It was their choice to take care of him rather than to let the staff in a care home look after them. All the family members had the peace that they consider it as an honour to be alongside Peyman and serve him. However, they keep praying for God to give them the strength they need to look after him.

Parisa is reminding everyone that if we are facing trials in our lives, God is in control and he knows what he is doing. God can change everything for their good even if we don’t understand all the details. It is important to trust God daily and take each day at a time and not to worry about tomorrow. May God be glorified in all this.

پیمان و خانواده مدت ۲۸ سال هست که به مسیح ایمان آورده اند. شروع ایمانشان در کلیسای جماعت ربانی رشت در ایران بود. داستان این خانواده بیانگر عمل فیض و رحمت عظیم خدا نسبت به آنها در شرایط بسیار سخت جسمانی پیمان هست.