Persecution جفا
چگونگی تاب آوری فرشید عزيز در دوری طولان مدت از فرزندانش

چگونگی تاب آوری فرشید عزيز در دوری طولان مدت از فرزندانش

Farshid Fathi was put into prison in Iran on 26th Dec 2010 because of his faith and Christian ministries and released on the 21st Dec 2015 (361 days in solitary confinement). He had to leave his children behind. His daughter was only 7 years old and in the first grade at school. Before Farshid went off to the prison, he hugged his daughter tightly in front of her school and told her that Daddy loves her. He knew he wouldn’t see her for some time unfortunately, it took him over 10 years before he could see her again. His son was about 2 years old. He has not yet been able to see his son even though he will turn 11 years old.

Farshid is sharing about how difficult it has been to be apart from his lovely children. However, remembering 3 facts helped him to endure the pain of being away from his children:

a) He remembered pastor Dibaj who was also in prison for over 9 years. He left his 4 children behind when he went to prison. He used to believe that the heavenly father has been a Father from eternity and he takes much better care of his children than him as their earthly father. This reality comforted Farshid knowing that even though he could not see his children and take care of them physically but their heavenly father takes much better care of them. He knew that God loves them much more than him as their physical father. When he was in prison, at times he would walk around the prison cell and would pray to God surrendering his children to the hands of the heavenly father.

b) He remembered that he was not the only one who is suffering not being able to see his children. He was aware that other parents were in the prison because of their Christian faith and were not able to see their children for some time. He recalls a Christian friend who was imprisoned when his daughter was 9 years old and when he came out of the prison she had turned 21 years old. He says that it’s a source of comfort when we realize that many people around us go through similar and other pains. He remembers when he had gone to the city of Bam to help those affected by the earthquake for a year, the affected people in Bam were comforted by those around them who had gone through the same trauma. They could sympathise with each other much better. This helped them to know that they are not alone going through this path of suffering.

c) The last but not least point Farshid mentions is that it’s natural for us as Christians to go through emotional upheaval due to difficult traumas of life. He was at times affected emotionally because of being away from his beloved children. However, he knew that he should not remain in his sorrow and pain. He would constantly remember that Jesus took all his pains and sorrow on him when he went on the cross. He did not want to face a situation when one day he sees Jesus, Jesus tells him: “Farshid I took all your pain and sorrow on me on the cross, why did you take so much sorrow on your shoulders?” He did not want to feel that Jesus died in vain on the cross for him.

Farshid lives outside Iran right now. However, he is in a different country where his children live. He is glad that after 10 years and 3 weeks, he saw his daughter who is 18 years old. It was such an exciting moment for them both. He spent a very quality time with her for several months. He is looking forward to seeing his son soon too.

He appreciates the prayers of all those who have faithfully been praying for him. He hopes all those who go through similar situations face the indescribable joy of reuniting with their lovely children.

We truly thank God for Farshid’s unshaken faith in the lord. Despite being persecuted because of his faith and ministries, he has remained faithful to the Lord.

.فرشید عزیز مدت ۵ سال را به خاطر ایمان و خدمات مسیحی خود در زندان سپری کردند که از این مدت ۳۶۱ را در سلول انفرادی به سر بردند. خدا را برای وجود فرشید عزیز و استقامت ایشان در ایمان و وفاداریشان به خداوند علیرغم تحمل جفاهای زیاد و دوری از فرزندانش شکر میکنیم. دعاهای خود را برای ایشان و خانواده ادامه دهیم.