Health Challenges بیماریهای جسمی و روحی
تجربه تاثیرگذار هرمیک عزیز در مواجهه با بیماری اوتیسم (نوعی اختلال رشدی) فرزندش

تجربه تاثیرگذار هرمیک عزیز در مواجهه با بیماری اوتیسم (نوعی اختلال رشدی) فرزندش

Hermik is a born again believer. She got married 15 years ago and has an 11-year-old son. When her son was one and a half years old, she realized that he was not able to talk and would not make eye contact. Her son was not able to understand what they were telling him. She did some investigation when he was about 3 years old. He was diagnosed as having autism.

Hermik did not know much about this condition. She felt hopeless and anxious about her son’s future. She shared the matter with her parents, but she was not able to share it with others. As her son was very overactive and overconfident, it would create some awkward situations. Most people did not understand her son’s condition, as a result, some of them would give disapproving stares. People would think they are irresponsible parents, who have not been able to discipline their son. This would cause Hermik and her husband to limit their social contacts with others. Hermik’s immediate family (including her parents) supported them a lot. The pastor of their church and some of their church friends were very supportive of them. However, Hermik had a strong sense of guilt about the situation and was not able to connect to God. She was questioning God about the situation. She became quite depressed for some time. Some people even dared to suggest that they had committed sin, hence the reason for their son’s condition. This hurt Hermik a lot and she knelt down and started challenging God about this situation. That was when she was able to let go of all the negative emotions she had against God and others. That evening God talked to her through the passage from John 9: 2- 3: His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him. God talked to her through this passage telling her that hehas a great plan for her son and she needs to accept her son as he is despite his limitations.

That evening a big transformation took place in Hermik’s life. She started accepting her son as he is and as a result she felt much happier. She then focused on strengthening her son’s abilities through taking courses on play therapy and speech therapy and other similar therapies. Her son has meantime been going to school.

Even though Hermik has gone through difficult times with her son, but God has given her a special grace. She celebrates the small progress he makes. She senses that God is at work in her son’s life. She has learned not only to be patient regarding her son but also forgiving towards those who at times might have given a disapproving look at her and the family. She is encouraging parents who have autistic children, not to lose hope. She advises parents to spend time with their kids and do creative and thought-provoking games with them, to read with them, and to listen to music with them. She emphasizes how important it is to celebrate and reward their kids for small accomplishments they make in their lives. This will make their kids feel confident about their abilities.

She encourages parents to get help and support from others, whether family members or from friends whom they can trust. Parents need support from others so that they can have some space for the sake of their mental health. She feels God is putting it in her heart to reach out to families who are in a similar situation. She believes that not losing hope and witnessing his small miracles daily in the lives of our children is essential.

شهادت هرمیک عزیز برخاسته از قلبی خالص و پر از عشق نسبت به فرزندش علیرغم اختلالاتی هست که او دارد . لطفا به این شهادت تاثیرگذار گوش دهید. متاسفانه به دلیل مسایل امنیتی و شخصی نمیتوانیم تصویر ویدویی ایشان را داشته باشیم و عکسها هم به همین دلیل از نیم رخ یا پشت پخش میشوند.