Emotional healing شفای احساسات
تجربه نگین عزیز در رابطه با اهمیت و چگونگی بخشش خود

تجربه نگین عزیز در رابطه با اهمیت و چگونگی بخشش خود

Negin’s story of how she was able to forgive herself. Negin and her husband, Kia, and their young son, Ryan live in the North of England. She comes from a family of 5. She lost her dad whom she was very close to when she was only 13 years old. She had promised her dad before he passed away that she would look after the family. However, she was too zealous towards the family to please her Dad’s soul. As a result, She got into the trap of pleasing not only the family but others too. She felt that God is obliged to reward her for all the sacrifices she makes for the family. She grew up into her adulthood with the mentality of constantly wanting to please others. She eventually got married to an Iranian guy and moved to Germany. The marriage did not last beyond 3 months. Her ex-husband committed adultery and left her. Her heart became full of hatred to the point that others noticed how aggressive she had become. She eventually left Germany to go to London to be with her brother. She then moved to Birmingham. God miracioulously provided for her to join a church in that city. She was able to know about the Love of God. She then gave her life to Jesus. She realized that she was saved by the grace of God, not because of all the good works she had done before. That is when she was able to forgive those who had harmed her.

However, after she came to know the Lord, she was feeling that something was bothering her from within. She was feeling that she was not able to love others freely. She discussed the matter with an English spiritual mentor who was their collegue in their ministry. She reminded her that even though she had forgiven those who had harmed her in her life, but she had not forgiven herself. She was then able to write down and discuss all the wounds from her childhood that had affected her soul. She brought them all under the cross of Jesus. She felt a new identity in Jesus based on 2 Corinthians 5:17 which says:

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:[a] The old has gone, the new is here!”

She encourages others to make sure they have forgiven themselves because of all the wounds of their past and can experience real peace in God.

خدا را شکر برای وجود نگین و همسرش کیای عزیز که خدا را با دل و جان خدمت میکنند. این عزیزان در عین حال موسسین کانون خانواده فارسی زبان در سازمان آگاپه انگلیس هستند. خدمت اصلی آنها برای زوجین فارسی زبان می باشد. دعا میکنیم خدا خدمات این عزیزان را مبارک بسازد.