Health Challenges بیماریهای جسمی و روحی
ایمان عظیم بهراد و مادرش به خدا علیرغم سختیها و بیماری بهراد

ایمان عظیم بهراد و مادرش به خدا علیرغم سختیها و بیماری بهراد

Homa and her son Behrad moved to the Netherlands 5 years ago in order to get further treatment for her son’s condition, muscular dystrophy. It is a disease that damages and weakens the muscles over time. Behrad is in a wheelchair because of that.

Homa was a devoted Muslim until age 19. After she got married, because her husband was an atheist, she became an atheist too. She then went onto practice Reiki. She was able to become an expert trainer in that philosophy. When she came to the Netherlands, she joined the church and gave her heart to the Lord. She testifies that at last, she found the true God.

After she became a Christian, she faced many crises and difficulties in her life. She got brain thrombosis and was severely ill for 7 months. Despite all the difficulties she faced with her health and the health of her son and other issues in life, she has been able to experience and proclaim God’s presence, joy, and peace in her life.

Her son Behrad testifies that when he came to church, with the help of the pastor of the church he gave his life to Jesus. He has a passion to read the Bible and pray to God. Despite the health issue and other difficulties he faces, he has the peace of God through the Holy Spirit. He says that has made a covenant that he won’t leave his faith.

Homa and her son help with the worship in the church. Homa asks others to pray for them and for the healing of her son. Let us keep this dear mum and her lovely son in our prayers. They very much believe in the healing of God.

بهراد عزیز ۱۴ ساله دچار بیماری دیستروفی دوشن هستند که بیماری است که به مرور زمان باعث ایجاد ضعف عضلانی و توقف حرکت ماهیچه ها میشود. به همین خاطر ایشان روی ویلچیر هستند. هر چند خطر گسترش این بیماری به نقاط دیگر بدن هست ولی بهراد و مادرش همای عزیز ایمان قوی برای شفای بهراد عزیز دارند. این عزیزان را در دعاهای خود داشته باشیم.