Health Challenges بیماریهای جسمی و روحی
داستان عمل عظیم قدرت خدا علیرغم معلولیت جسمانی نسرین عزیز

داستان عمل عظیم قدرت خدا علیرغم معلولیت جسمانی نسرین عزیز

The story of God’s power in Nasrin’s life despite her paralysis Nasrin, born a Muslim in Iran moved to America in 1974, at the age of 15. After finishing High School and graduating from college, she got married. She heard the message of Christ through other Muslim converted Christians and gave her heart to Christ at the age of 34. Being excited about her newly found faith, she began serving in the church by learning to play keyboard and joined the worship team. After about 3 years she had a car accident on her way to work.

She was rushed to the nearest hospital. While being carried on a stretcher into the emergency room, the reality of the situation struck her with fear. In panic, she remembers crying, “I’m broken,” when she heard a sweet whisper in her ear, “Yes, but your spirit is not broken.” Those comforting words of encouragement were from one of the nurses and enabled her to calm down and brought her back to the reality that God was still in control. She taught she would be well and able to go home soon. However Doctors gave the verdict, a broken neck which caused a severed spinal cord and complete paralysis from the shoulders down.

She went through depression and anger and was haunted by a lingering thought; “Where is God in all of this?” “Does He even care? But the heavens were silent. And then one morning, she saw an image of what appeared to be a figure. It was an amazing image of Jesus Christ, carrying her in His arms. She felt the abiding presence of God whispering, “I am here, I am with you, I am carrying you.”! God had answered her fervent pleas, with an image that contained a world of meaning.

در صورت تمایل به منظور تهیه کتاب نسرین عزیز به انگلیسی لطفا به لینک زیر مراجعه کنید. در این لینک در ضمن ویدیوی کوتاه دیگری مرتبط به تصادف و کتاب ایشان هست که می‌توانند مشاهده کنید.