انتخابهای صحیح در مواجهه با بحرانهای زندگی (نکاتی از زندگی حبقوق نبی)

نسرین عزیز در این سن جوانی غیرت زیادی برای خداوند و خدمت به او دارند. ایشان همچنین مسح خاصی در زمینه وعظ کلام خدا دارند. خدا را شکر میکنیم که خدا از زنان جوانی مانند نسرین برای انتقال حقایق مهم کلامش به دیگران استفاده میکند. شما را تشویق میکنیم به پیغام زیبا و مهم ایشان گوش دهید. ایمان داریم باعث […]

راههای مقابله با افکار منفی در شرایط سخت زندگی- مطالبی مفید از نسرین عزیز

Nasrin is sharing about how we all experience different challenges in our lives. The challenges in life can be either spiritual or physical challenges and sometimes in confronting them we are attacked by negative thoughts.When Nasrin had the accident that paralyzed her from the neck down, She experienced the impact of negative thoughts in her life. One day sitting in […]

تجارب دردناک نسرین عزیز در از دست دادن عزیزانش و چگونگی دریافت کمکهای لازم

Nasrin came to know the Lord 18 years ago in a house church in Iran. She served at the house church for many years.Eight years ago she was arrested and tortured because of her Christian faith and ministries in Iran. As a result, she went through very difficult times. Nasrin and her family had to leave Iran for Turkey despite […]

داستان عمل عظیم قدرت خدا علیرغم معلولیت جسمانی نسرین عزیز

The story of God’s power in Nasrin’s life despite her paralysis Nasrin, born a Muslim in Iran moved to America in 1974, at the age of 15. After finishing High School and graduating from college, she got married. She heard the message of Christ through other Muslim converted Christians and gave her heart to Christ at the age of 34. […]