Health Challenges بیماریهای جسمی و روحی
راههای مقابله با افکار منفی در شرایط سخت زندگی- مطالبی مفید از نسرین عزیز

راههای مقابله با افکار منفی در شرایط سخت زندگی- مطالبی مفید از نسرین عزیز

Nasrin is sharing about how we all experience different challenges in our lives. The challenges in life can be either spiritual or physical challenges and sometimes in confronting them we are attacked by negative thoughts.
When Nasrin had the accident that paralyzed her from the neck down, She experienced the impact of negative thoughts in her life.

One day sitting in a wheelchair in the yard of the hospital, Nasrin was feeling very depressed. She saw some butterflies which caught her attention. She imagined being like one of the butterflies that were flying. She could sense the fresh breeze of the air and the scent of the flowers. As she was watching the butterflies she would let go of her negative thoughts and problems she was facing and started feeling peace. She could hear God’s voice telling her if you want to be free you need to set your thoughts free.

Sometimes we must accept the circumstances around us and adjust to them otherwise we will suffer more in our lives. Nasrin had to learn to have a different view of her situation. She would initially think that being free means being able to walk, but she started to learn how she could change the way she thought about her situation. She realized that despite not being able to walk, she can experience the real freedom within herself and in her thoughts.
The word of God teaches in Rom 12:2:“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is —his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

This verse encourages us to renew our thoughts. Nasrin had to change the way she viewed her circumstances. She realized that she could not do things as quickly as she could do before the accident. She had to accept things and practice patience in dealing with her limitations. Instead of becoming bitter, she practiced being grateful to God.
We all face difficult situations in our lives and if anxiety and worry become a habit in dealing with situations, we lose sight of the peace that God can give us in those circumstances. One of these negative ways of thinking Is predicting a disaster that can happen in our future. We think of the most tragic things that can happen. We catastrophize the incident predicting the worst outcome.

After Nasrin had the accident, she thought her life would never change and that she would not be able to laugh again but this was not how things turned out. These types of negative thoughts are not constructive, and they make us feel depressed. When we recognize that we are catastrophizing the situation we can do a few things:

Firstly, we can take a deep breath and ask ourselves whether these thoughts are real or not. We will realize that most of the time they are not real.

Secondly, we can look at our problems from a different perspective. For Nasrin, Instead of thinking she was paralyzed and can’t do anything, she started thinking about all the things she was able to do despite her physical limitations.

Thirdly, when these negative things come, we can shift our attention to something positive.

Fourthly, we should become aware of our inner voice. We constantly talk to ourselves and sometimes our inner voice can be quite negative. The way we talk to ourselves affects our emotions and thoughts in our lives. After she had the accident, Nasrin learned how negative her inner voice was. She had to change the way she talked to herself. She believes that sometimes we talk in a kinder way to a friend than ourselves. We need to practice treating ourselves kindly.

In conclusion: if we can be aware of the negative thoughts, we can try and change those thoughts. God wants our character to grow, and the spirit of God can guide us and help us to see the weaknesses we have within us. The process of the renewal of our minds will continue until the end of our lives. We will never reach fullness in our lives on this earth, but with the help of Jesus we can walk towards the destiny the Lord has planned for us
To hear Nasrin’s full testimony you can view thisنسرین عزیز در گذشته شهادت پرقدرت مواجهه با معلولیت جسمانی شان را با ما در میان گذاشتند که لینک آن را بالای این مطلب قرار دادیم. در کلیپ زیر ایشان بر اساس تجربه زندگی شان مطالبی بسیار کاربردی در رابطه با افکار منفی ارایه میدهند که بسیار مفید هستند. حتما گوش دهید.
Rosita Kennedy Nasrin Zaboli