Persecution جفا
داستان استقامت ایمان کشیش فرهاد و خواهر شهناز عزیز علیرغم جفاها و زندانی شدن

داستان استقامت ایمان کشیش فرهاد و خواهر شهناز عزیز علیرغم جفاها و زندانی شدن

The testimony of Pastor Farhad and his wife:

Pastor Farhad and his dear wife, sister Shahnaz were pastoring the church in the city of Ahvaz for about 25 years. During the first few years of their ministries in the church, they faced different persecutions such as being arrested and imprisoned.

In December 2011 when they were celebrating the birth of Jesus, the secret police invaded their house and interrogated about 40 Christians who had gathered in their house. Pastor Farhad and his wife and a couple of the believers were arrested. Whist blindfolded, they were transferred to the detention centre of the ministry of intelligence. They were then put into prison for a short time. After much interrogation, they were imprisoned for a couple of months, having to leave their young children behind. Due to the intense pressure of the interrogations they had during that time, Sister Shahnaz was feeling very unwell emotionally to the point that her blood pressure had become very high and she was put under medication. Her husband got cataracts on his eyes.

They were eventually released from the prison on bail. Different believers had put the documents of their house as bail. Even though They had the chance to leave the country afterward, but they decided to stay there, otherwise their fellow believers would lose their properties.

A few months after their 2 months of stay at the prison, they were sentenced to one-year imprisonment in the city of Ahvaz. During that time they were much concerned about their 3 children. When they were away for 2 months, the children had been affected much emotionally and physically. They did not know how would they cope the one year away from them.

Pastor Farhad was initially put in a section where criminals and drug dealers were put, but he was eventually taken to a section that was feeling a little safer. At the same time, sister Shahnaz was put in a section where many women were in prison for murder. Some of them had been there for 25 years in a desperate state. She had to live with them for about a year.

During this time they got closer to their fellow inmates. Some of them would share their problems with them and they had the chance to hear their stories and pray for them. They were somehow considered as their fellow prisoners’ spiritual parents. Pastor Farhad was considered as their spiritual father. A few of them gave their lives to the Lord.

One day Pastor Farhad was asked to check into the information office of the prison. He was told that he was causing many troubles for them. Upon asking the reason from the person in charge, he was shown many greeting cards that were sent to him and his wife by hundreds of believers outside Iran. It was very encouraging for them to know that many believers were praying for them inside and outside Iran.

Sister Shahnaz shares that there were times that she was under much physical, mental and emotional pressures. She was not feeling well physically as she had a sensitive operation just before her imprisonment. On top of that witnessing some horrifying scenes in the prison would upset her much emotionally. She testifies that when she would pray to God, she would feel God’s grace and presence in the midst of the turmoil she would experience. She could meantime sense the power of the prayers of many believers.

Pastor Farhad shares one of the things that broke his heart whilst in the prison was hearing the news that the AOG church in Tehran, which was the largest Persian speaking church in Iran was closed down too. Pastor Farhad was released from prison before his wife. Upon the release of both of them, the security police put them under much pressure to leave the country. They left Iran for Turkey.

Before leaving the country, Pastor Farhad felt he owed an apology to his children. He apologized to them for having put them through all the pain and suffering. As they had made the decision not to compromise with the authorities and follow Christ.

After then went to Turkey, They started a church in the city they were residing in. As a result of their successful ministry, many came to know the Lord. The great thing that happened to them was that their son Samuel joined them from Armenia after 8 years of being apart from them. They spent about 3 joyful years together as a family which was great.

They were eventually accepted to go to the US. Unfortunately, because their son was not in the same case with them as far as dealing with the United Nations was concerned, things did not work out for him to accompany them to the US. It is about 4 years since they have been in the US. However, they are very concerned about the wellbeing of their son who is left behind in Turkey. They are pleading everyone to pray for Samuel so that he can join them soon.

They believe despite the difficult times they put behind, God’s grace has always accompanied them.