Bereavement مرگ نزدیکان
داستان تاثیرگذار زندگی خواهر تاکوش عزیز به عنوان یک قهرمان ایمان

داستان تاثیرگذار زندگی خواهر تاکوش عزیز به عنوان یک قهرمان ایمان

Sister Takoush is the wife of the late martyr Rev. Haik Hovsepian. She gave her heart to Jesus in the city of Isfahan in Iran, when she was a teenager. Not long after she got married to Brother Haik. God gave them their first son called Joseph. Unfortunately, they lost him in a car accident along with a missionary family. He was only 6 months old at the time of the accident.

Not only was their son was lost, but the 3 children of the American missionary couple’s were lost too. Following that accident, Sister Takoush’s legs were severely damaged. She is still suffering from the effect of it today. Brother Haik was also seriously injured too. They were hospitalized for a couple of months. During that time they were comforted by many Christians who helped them heal. As difficult as it was, Takoush learned how to put her trust in God in that devastating time. She was able to receive the true comfort from God and through his word. She also learned how to receive the joy of the Lord despite her injuries and the loss of her only child. Over time, God gave them a daughter and 3 sons. They continued their ministry, initially in the city of Gorgan for 12 years and later on in Tehran. They served at different Persian speaking churches. Throughout their ministries, they faced different threats and persecutions from the authorities who were against their ministries amongst Persian speaking believes who had turned to Christianity from Islam. In 1994, Sister Takoush’s husband, Rev Haik was martyred in Iran because of his extensive ministries amongst converts from Islam. She testifies that after her husband’s martyrdom many Christian relatives and Church members surrounded her and the children. They would listen to their painful stories. This was a great source of comfort. She would receive many encouraging and consoling cards that were hung all around the house. She felt what a great family she has in the Lord who support her much. Despite the love she would receive from others, there was a great hatred in her heart against the people who had killed her husband. It was so painful for her to witness her children grow-up without a father. It was a big challenge for her to forgive her enemies. One day a Christian lady visited her and challenged her to pray for forgiveness. She could not accept it at first, but later on, the Holy Spirit convicted her and she started praying for the perpatrators. It took some time for her to gradually let go of the hatred and bitterness she had against her husband’s killers. She was eventually able to forgive them and experience God’s deep peace. A few years ago, her son, Gilbert had a severe motorbike accident and he was hospitalized for many months. Thankfully he miraculously survived. However, as a mother, sister Takoush went through another painful experience. Again at that time many believers supported their family through prayers and encouraging words. Throughout all the sad experiences of sister Takoush’s live, she has learned several lessons such as the followings: 1. To Put her trust in the Lord and surrender her life fully to him. 2. To remember that God is a just God and he is the King of Kings and he is in control 3. To thank God at all times. 4. She has learned to empathize and sympathize with those who are going through many similar pains in their lives (like illnesses, loss of a child, loss of a husband, etc…). 5. She believes the difficult trials we go through in our lives are valuable in God’s sight and he uses those difficult experiences for his glory. She refers to the book of Habakkuk. “Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Saviour.” Habakkuk 3: 17-18 She is grateful to God that he will never leave us nor forsake us. She is a hero of Faith. She is shining for the Lord. Her children: Rebecca, Joseph, Gilbert and Andre are very much involved in different ministries such as Hovsepian ministries. They are impacting the lives of many.