Persecution جفا
داستان  تاثیرگذار ماگدای عزیز: انتخاب بین پیروی از مسیح و یا داشتن فرزندشان

داستان تاثیرگذار ماگدای عزیز: انتخاب بین پیروی از مسیح و یا داشتن فرزندشان

ماگدای عزیز در یک خانواده مسیحی در شهر مشهد به دنیا آمده و بزرگ شده اند. در طول سالهای طولانی ایمانی خود علیرغم مواجهه با بحرانهای مختلف در خدمات مختلفی من جمله خدمت به کودکان آسیب دیده و خدمت به به بانوان وخدمت پرستش و شبانی کلیسای بزرگ فارسی زبانی در ترکیه دخیل بوده اند. در حال حاضر هم با سازمان ایلام بیشتر در زمینه خدمت تعلیم به فارسی زبانان همکاری می کنند. خدا را برای این خادمه وفادار و فعال او شکر میکنیم.

Magda was raised in a Christian family in the city of Mashad. Magda shares that many years ago she was forced to go to a court where she had to decide whether she was going to choose between her Christian faith and her daughter.

The judge told her that if she wanted to have her young daughter, the only choice she had was to deny her faith. As a mother, it was a very difficult decision for her as she dearly loved her daughter. On the other hand, she was much in Love with God. It was a very unfair situation. Her solicitor could not do much to defend her rights. As she was in court, she was hoping that she could see a miraculous sign and things would change around. She was afraid as well. At that time God reminded her of the scripture which says that when believers are taken to courts, the Holy Spirit will help with the words we need to share. It was then when she submitted her life to the hands of God as she was looking at the eyes of the judge. She felt God is looking at her waiting to see what decision she was going to make. She made her decision and told the judge that she was not going to deny her Lord and she trusts that God will be in control of her daughter’s life. The judge condemned her of not being worthy to mother this daughter. She heard some harsh comments from the judge.

Separating her daughter from her was not according to the constitution of the country or her human rights. The daughter’s custody was given to her husband. As a mother, it was so difficult to let go of her daughter. After she left the court, she told God: I have done my part, I am waiting for you to do your part now. For a long time she would wait for her daughter to come back to her. She went through some depression because of not having custody of her daughter. She sensed that the floodgates of heaven were closed to her and she could not hear anything from the Lord.

After persistent prayers asking God to open a door for her, she was invited to serve orphan children by pastor Farshid Fathi. She was so happy that she could show her motherly love to many orphan children. She is still not able to be with her daughter and live with her.

She believes that just as Moses was given to his mother even though he was adopted by the Pharoah’s wife, he will restore her daughter to her. She uses this illustration that we are like gardeners who plant small seeds in a garden and do not know what happens to that seed underground and how it germinates. But as the gardener patiently waits, the seed eventually blossoms, and he rejoices over that.

She encourages others by saying that they will see the fruits of the seeds they have possibly planted by some disappointments mingled by trust in God but in the right soil. When her daughter was very young and she was still with her, she used to whisper the word of God and Christian songs in her ears. She would listen to them. Magda hopes she has somehow planted the seeds of faith in her daughter’s heart and she hopes she will see the fruits of her faith and faithfulness.

Throughout all these years she has been apart from her daughter, she has been a faithful servant of God. she has been involved in different ministries such as worship ministry, ministry amongst children and women. She was the pastor of a very large church in a city in Turkey for some years. She is doing teaching ministry through Elam ministries right now. All her ministries are amongst Persian speaking people.