Bereavement مرگ نزدیکان
شهادت نسرین عزیز در مورد امید به حیات ابدی پس از درگذشت خواهرشان شبنم

شهادت نسرین عزیز در مورد امید به حیات ابدی پس از درگذشت خواهرشان شبنم

Nasrin has been a born-again Christian for 12 years and has been in ministry for 10 years. She started her ministry in the house church in Iran. She was involved in teaching, preaching, and ministering to vulnerable women such as prostitutes. After she left Iran, she carried on serving women and has also been involved in teaching, counselling, and media ministry too.

In this video Nasrin is sharing about a sad event that took place in her life. Her sister, Shabnam was a beautiful young lady. She gave her life to the Lord at the age of 19 and she was a true believer in God. She would serve God wholeheartedly. When she was 26 years old, she was diagnosed with blood cancer. Many doctors at the time thought she would not survive long. However, God allowed her to live longer. One year after her illness, they had to leave Iran because of the different persecutions they were facing. Shabnam was suffering more health-wise after they left Iran. She was in much pain. However, she never complained to God about her illness. At the beginning of her illness in Iran, she traveled to 40 cities in Iran and did wonderful evangelistic ministries amongst vulnerable women. She would feed them and share the message of the gospel with them. After they left Iran, Shabnam continued serving God amongst children and was involved in some management tasks.

Unfortunately, 9 months ago, the doctor told them that she had to go through a bone marrow transplant. It was a very difficult decision to make as If she did not go ahead she was vulnerable to having a brain stroke. Finally, she decided to go ahead with the transplant because of all the pains she was going through. Unfortunately, when she got hospitalized, during her chemotherapy her condition deteriorated. She eventually lost consciousness. She was placed in the intensive care unit. Her family kept on praying for her hoping for a miracle to take place. On the 6th day of her stay at ICU she passed away at the age of 31.

When she was at the hospital, she would regularly take communion and was expecting God to perform a miracle in her life. However, after she passed away her family were complaining to God feeling that God had abandoned them. They felt Shabnam was living a righteous and fruitful life, how could a loving God let such an unjust event happen in their lives.

During her funeral, they were crying and were saying their final goodbyes to Shabnam. Due to covid 19 only a small number of people could attend the funeral. The pastor who was performing the funeral told the family to look up at heaven. As they looked up to heaven, they could see a halo of light around the sun. They could sense the presence of angels who had gathered around them and Shabnam. That is when they truly realized God was truly with them in their grief. They started worshipping God.

Nasrin says she is still missing her sister much after 9 months of losing her, but she and the family no longer blame God for what happened. They believe that Shabnam is in God’s presence and they will see her one day. They experienced God’s grace in a special way despite missing her much. She prays for those going through a similar situation to experience God’s peace and comfort. She emphasizes that If we believe in God, we will one day see our loved one in His presence.