Prayer درخواست دعا
فراخوان عمومی برای دعا و روزه۳ روزه برای مداخله خدا در بحران کرونا

فراخوان عمومی برای دعا و روزه۳ روزه برای مداخله خدا در بحران کرونا

Rev Edward Hovsepian reflects on living through a pandemic. The coronavirus has affected different aspects of our lives, emotionally, economically, and healthwise. More than 1.5 million people have died as a result of it.

He encourages us all to turn away from any wrongdoing and confess our sins so that God removes his judgment from us. Secondly, we need to pray for spiritual revival to take place in our lives, and thirdly we need to wholeheartedly put our trust in God.

He is inviting all of us to join in prayer and fasting for 3 days from 4th to 6th December 2020. The purpose of this prayer and fasting is to ask God for a breakthrough in this situation. There is power in the united prayers of the body of Christ.

عزیزان لطفا در صورت امکان این فراخوان دعا و روزه را در صفحات اجتماعی خود به اشتراک بگذارید تا تعداد بیشتری از مسیحیان ترغیب شده برای این وضعیت وخیم در روزهای ۴ الی ۶ دسامبر به طور خاص در دعا و روزه متحد شوند.