Health Challenges بیماریهای جسمی و روحی
شهادت عمل معجزه آسای خداوند در زندگی خواهر مریم عزیز

شهادت عمل معجزه آسای خداوند در زندگی خواهر مریم عزیز

Maryam and her family have been believers for many years. Over 20 years ago Maryam’s son was sent to a faraway town to do his military service. During the Persian New Year Maryam, her husband, and her younger son and her sister and husband decided to go and visit her older son.

They spent about four days with him. On the way back as they were enjoying the beautiful scenery and were singing when suddenly they lost control of the car.

When Maryam opened her eyes she realized she was in a hospital. She had been unconscious since the accident, she asked her husband whether the rest of the family were doing okay and was assured that they were all okay.

She also realized that she could not move and didn’t have any sensation in her body or legs. When the Doctor administered an injection in her feet she couldn’t feel it. She told the Doctor “I feel I have become paralyzed” but the Doctors reassured her that everything would be okay. One of the relatives who was an Orthopaedic specialist examined her and got suspicious that this indeed could be a sign of paralysis.

She spent three months in the hospital feeling very sad and depressed. When she went back home she had to rely on the help of her elderly mum her husband and children. It was a very difficult time for her as she used to be a very active lady but she had to lie on the bed most of the time.

She kept questioning what had happened. Bishop Haik upon hearing about her situation visited her and prayed for her given her the hope that God was able to heal her.

It was a challenge to her faith and she could still not take it in why she was in this situation. She felt she had completely lost her hope and she was coming to terms with the fact that she had to carry on living with paralysis for the rest of her life.

As she was crying out to God she felt that her back and legs got warm. She asked the children to help her to stand up. She had such severe pain that she lost control and almost fell. So they let her just lie down. Deep down she felt that God had healed her. The following day she asked the children to help her to stand up again. She felt she could gradually stand on her feet. The children helped her to slowly walk. She felt that the legs were gaining the strength back.

It took her 3-4 months to be able to walk properly. She remembered the words of Sister Anahid who used to say God always embarrasses us with his goodness. That was true in Maryam’s life even though she had given up hope but God healed her. She still needs to wear a back brace but feels well.

This relative who was an orthopedic specialist told her that it was only God’s miracle that she can walk because her MRI pictures were indicating that she would be paralyzed for the rest of her life.

Maryam’s Husband assured this specialist that Jesus has healed his wife. In appreciation for God’s healing in her life, her husband drew a painting of the paralyzed man who Jesus healed. He donated this to the Church in Iran. Maryam is so grateful to God that over the last 40 years. He has done amazing things in her life and her family’s life.

عزیزان در مواردی ما بر روی این زمین شفای خداوند را در جسمهایمان تجربه نمیکنیم. ولی در این شرایط خدا میتواند فیض لازم را به ما بدهد. ولی در مواردی هم مانند زندگی خواهر مریم عزیز خدا قادر هست شفای جسمهای ما را هم بر روی این زمین مهیا کند. خدا را شکر میکنیم برای اینکه اراده خداوند شفای خواهر مریم عزیز بوده. اراده خداوند همیشه در زندگی ما نیکو هست.