Biblical messages پیغامهای کتابمقدسی
مشکل جسمی کشیش فریبرز و تعلیم در رابطه با  نحوه نگرش به دردهای جسمانی در سایه ابدیت

مشکل جسمی کشیش فریبرز و تعلیم در رابطه با نحوه نگرش به دردهای جسمانی در سایه ابدیت

Pastor Fariborz Pezeshki has been serving the Lord for over 30 years. He has served as an ordained pastor in different Iranian churches in Iran, Norway, Greece, and United Arab Emirates over the past 28 years.

He lost his brother in an accident over 7 years ago which had a negative emotional effect on him. Following that he developed an annoying constant noise in his ears which is called tinnitus. Unfortunately, the origin of this illness has not been diagnosed for him. The doctors suspect it might be due to some physiological or stress related issues. However, there is neither a confirmed cause nor a cure for this condition.

Over time his tinnitus has got worse. This severe tinnitus affects his sleep a great deal. The loud noises keep waking him up at night almost every hour. His energy level has decreased over time because of this health condition. He has been to many doctors and has changed his life and ministry style. He has prayed and fasted about this and has asked others to pray for him too. He was hoping things would improve over time.

Unfortunately, things have not only not improved but have actually got worse over time. He initially had questions from God as to why such a thing is affecting his life and ministries. It was not until he studied the Bible deeper with a different perspective regarding the topic of healing, that he was comforted, he shares the following: Most Christians agree that we should pray for sick people. We all refer to James 5:14- 15 where it is saying we should ask the elders to pray for the sick, believing God is able to heal. But the question is If healing does not take place, what could the reasons behind that be? We all know of different anointed men and women of God who got ill were not healed and died. When Jesus died for us on the cross, he guaranteed the salvation of our bodies and souls from condemnation and eternal death.

However, it is not clear whether the full healing and restoration of our bodies will take place immediately after we receive Jesus in our lives as our personal saviours or it will take place in eternity. There are different Christian world views on this topic. Some think that we should be healed physically whilst on this earth. They believe that if someone does not get healed, he or she might be in sin or does not have enough faith. This is not a very mature approach. We read in the book of Revelation: “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away”. Revelation 21:4 The point in this verse is that the former things have not passed away fully yet. So the promise of the full physical healing and redemption will take place when Jesus comes back. As Christians we have assurance that our souls have been saved from eternal death and we will go to heaven when we die. But the salvation of our bodies has not yet been fully completed on this earth. “We, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies.” Romans 8:23 We were born into a fallen world. As Christians, we will all get sick and will die. The tombs of many Christians are evident that Christians will die and only when Jesus comes back their bodies will be resurrected in his likeness. Philippians 3:21 We live for the eternal life we have been promised for and we live for that eternity. Our lives are not limited to this fallen world. we read in 2 Corinthian 4: 17- 18: “For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” Whilst we are on this earth we should live in a way that glorifies Jesus and should grow in his likeness.( 2 Corinthians 3:17-18) Pastor Fariborz believes that When we face difficulties, we focus much on our pains and sufferings. During his struggles with tinnitus, he realized that he has to take this as an opportunity to serve others according to God’s calling in his life. He is motivated to pray more for others and provide practical help for them as and when needed. He still believes that God is able to heal him and all those of us who are ill. He encourages all the sick to continue praying for healing. however, if healing does not take place whilst we are on this earth, we need to remember the glorious hope of the second coming of Jesus when we won’t have any more physical pains. Amen.

لطفا به شهادت تجربه سخت بیماری کشیش فریبرز و تعلیم ایشان در رابطه با نگرشی که ما در رابطه با دردهای فیزیکی زمان حال در سایه ابدیت باید داشته باشیم گوش دهید. ایشان به مطالب و آیات بسیار مهمی اشاره میکنند. دعای ما این هست که این مطالب برای شما عزیزان آموزنده و باعث بنای شما در ایمانتان شوند. .