Bereavement مرگ نزدیکان
واقعه دردناک از دست دادن فرزند و چگونگی بکارگرفته شدن توسط خدا برای خدمت به دردمندان

واقعه دردناک از دست دادن فرزند و چگونگی بکارگرفته شدن توسط خدا برای خدمت به دردمندان

Anita became a Christian when she was 11 years old through the ministry of the late Rev Haik Hovsepian. Marco became a Christian in 2000. Some years ago, God gave them a beautiful daughter. But unfortunately, due to a tragic accident caused by the mislabelling of a vaccine drug. Their four month old daughter died following the inoculation. What was sadder was that the hospital would not give permission to them to get hold of the dead body of their daughter to bury her. They were experiencing feelings of anger and bitterness. Anita was experiencing a strong sense of guilt, thinking if they had the chance to have their daughter in a private hospital she would not have died. As the result of what they went through, they became more and more depressed, having severe nightmares. Due to some issues they had with the government, they had to leave Iran for Turkey. On their travels, they came across some young Afghan families who had escaped their country illegally, through smuggling. These families had lost their children and all their belongings on the way to Turkey. Anita and Marco were able to empathize with them and listen to their sad stories. However, they realized what distinguished them from those families was their faith and the assurance they had that they would see their little girl in heaven one day.

They were able to share their faith and hope with the Afghan families and to serve them through the Love of Christ. However, they still felt the pain and anger of losing their daughter.

Sometime later they came across an atheist in Turkey. He met up with them and told them about the terrible nightmares he had. He told them that he kept hearing the screams of families who have lost their loved ones. After talking to him more, they realized that back in Iran he was involved in changing the labels of the vaccines and drugs illegally. He had the database of several hospitals under his control. Whenever complaints were raised against this action, the court would rule in favour of the hospital. When Marco and Anita shared their sad story with this man, he was in tears. This couple were able to hug him and forgive him with the Love of Christ. As they forgave him, they felt they also let go of that deep anger they had held for all those years. Following this, they experienced a great sense of freedom within themselves. This man eventually gave his life to Christ and also experienced an indescribable peace.

Following this experience, Marco and Anita felt that God gave them a message. He wanted them to look after many families with young children and be like a role model for parents to these children and teach them Godly ways. They believe that as it says in Romans 8:28, God will turn good out of evil. Even though they lost their daughter, but God turned this sad situation around for their good so that they can help many families who go through the pain of losing children. They do indeed trust that God is good all the time even in times of tragedy.