Psychology روانشناسی مسیحی
مواجهه با اضطراب- همراه با رواندرمانگر و مشاور مسیحی (نیلوفر نایینی)

مواجهه با اضطراب- همراه با رواندرمانگر و مشاور مسیحی (نیلوفر نایینی)

Ms Niloufar Nayini is a Christian psychotherapist, studying her PHD in psychotherapy and counseling. She discusses how at times anxiety can happen because we don’t’ have control over certain situations. She refers to some symptoms of anxiety such as high blood pressure, fast heartbeats, sleep disorder, a sense of fatigue, spasm in the muscles, gastrointestinal disorder, and hormonal disorders. Anxiety can be inherited from our parents but also comes from environmental and social factors such as domestic abuse, having critical parents and friends, etc. Biological factors can also cause anxiety: anxious people tend to have high levels of hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline.

She also refers to some techniques that can help us to deal with our anxiety in a more effective way:

a) Practicing breathing techniques (breathing from the diaphragm which is a deep level of breathing).

b) Changing the way, we think. She believes if we can identify our negative thoughts and write them down, we can work towards changing them from negative thoughts to positive thoughts. Focusing on positive things and activities will help us reduce our anxiety.

c) doing regular exercise such as a 30-minute walk can produce endorphin hormone in our body which is an anti-pain hormone. This hormone will make us feel relaxed.

d) we can change our diet and use more foods containing proteins. Using some supplements such as Vitamin B6 will help us sleep better.

e) at times we might need to take anti-anxiety medications for a short period of time under our Doctor’s supervision. And finally, it is important that we meet up with a counselor or psychotherapist to discuss the root of our anxieties.

The word of God contains different verses about anxiety. She referred to a couple of verses: one is in Philippians 4: 6-7 and 1Peter 5: 7. Both verses refer to submitting our worries and anxieties to God. Instead of being focused on ourselves, it’s best to be focused on God through worship and prayer and reading his word. The combination of all the above steps can help us reduce our anxieties when in pain and suffering.در این ویدیو نگاهی کوتاه بر عوامل و نشانه های مربوط به اضطراب و برخی راهکردهای مقابله با آن کرده ایم. می بخشید که به خاطر ضبط برنامه از طریق زوم و مشکل کمی که با اینترنت داشتیم کیفیت بسیار بالا نیست ولی لطفا به محتوای صحبتهای مفید توجه کنید