عمل فیض عظیم خدا در جفاها و بحرانهای زندگی کشیش ادوارد هوسپیان

Pastor Edward Hovsepian (an Armenian Iranian) was born in a very poor family in Tehran, Iran. His biological Dad abandoned the family when he was under the age of 2. His Mum struggled to bring up Edward and his older brother Haik. She became very ill physically and mentally suffering from different health issues such as heart disease, high blood […]

واقعه دردناک از دست دادن فرزند و چگونگی بکارگرفته شدن توسط خدا برای خدمت به دردمندان

Anita became a Christian when she was 11 years old through the ministry of the late Rev Haik Hovsepian. Marco became a Christian in 2000. Some years ago, God gave them a beautiful daughter. But unfortunately, due to a tragic accident caused by the mislabelling of a vaccine drug. Their four month old daughter died following the inoculation. What was […]

مواجهه با اضطراب- همراه با رواندرمانگر و مشاور مسیحی (نیلوفر نایینی)

Ms Niloufar Nayini is a Christian psychotherapist, studying her PHD in psychotherapy and counseling. She discusses how at times anxiety can happen because we don’t’ have control over certain situations. She refers to some symptoms of anxiety such as high blood pressure, fast heartbeats, sleep disorder, a sense of fatigue, spasm in the muscles, gastrointestinal disorder, and hormonal disorders. Anxiety […]

درسهایی در درد و رنج- دکتر ساسان توسلی

از دکتر ساسان توسلی بسیار سپاسگزاریم برای نکات ارزنده و بسیار مفیدی که در رابطه با برخی از درسهایی که در درد و رنج یاد می گیریم با ما در میان گذاشتند. لطفا به این کلیپ تعلیمی گوش دهید و اگر تجربه یا شهادت یا نظری در این رابطه دارید حتما در بخش کامنتها با ما در میان بگذارید.

داستان وفاداری مهدی عزیز به خدا علیرغم محدودیتهای جسمی

A brief summary of Mahdi’s life story for the English speaking viewers: Mahdi, who is 50 years old, suffered from cerebral palsy disorder just after birth. He has very limited movements in his legs and in his right hand. He is partially paralyzed. Despite his physical disability, he has made many academic and sporting achievements. He is a born-again believer […]