اعتماد قوی مریم عزیز و همسرشان به خدا در برخورد با بیماری دختر عزیزشان

Maryam came to know the Lord 15 years ago. Maryam and her husband are pastoring an Iranian church in the UK. In 2013 they decided to have a child. When Maryam was 4 months pregnant, she realized that something was wrong. She had to go to the hospital twice a day to check the heartbeat of the baby in the […]

شهادت عمل معجزه آسای خداوند در زندگی خواهر مریم عزیز

Maryam and her family have been believers for many years. Over 20 years ago Maryam’s son was sent to a faraway town to do his military service. During the Persian New Year Maryam, her husband, and her younger son and her sister and husband decided to go and visit her older son. They spent about four days with him. On […]

ایمان عظیم بهراد و مادرش به خدا علیرغم سختیها و بیماری بهراد

Homa and her son Behrad moved to the Netherlands 5 years ago in order to get further treatment for her son’s condition, muscular dystrophy. It is a disease that damages and weakens the muscles over time. Behrad is in a wheelchair because of that. Homa was a devoted Muslim until age 19. After she got married, because her husband was […]

داستان عمل عظیم قدرت خدا علیرغم معلولیت جسمانی نسرین عزیز

The story of God’s power in Nasrin’s life despite her paralysis Nasrin, born a Muslim in Iran moved to America in 1974, at the age of 15. After finishing High School and graduating from college, she got married. She heard the message of Christ through other Muslim converted Christians and gave her heart to Christ at the age of 34. […]

تجربه تاثیرگذار هرمیک عزیز در مواجهه با بیماری اوتیسم (نوعی اختلال رشدی) فرزندش

Hermik is a born again believer. She got married 15 years ago and has an 11-year-old son. When her son was one and a half years old, she realized that he was not able to talk and would not make eye contact. Her son was not able to understand what they were telling him. She did some investigation when he […]

خدمات مبارک راشین عزیز علیرغم دردهای بسیار شدید جسمانی

Rashin Torki is a housewife and has been married for 20 years and has a 16-year-old son. She became a Christian in 2009 and serves in different ministries such as teaching, preaching, and leading the prayer meeting in their church. She also loves to create audio files of different Christian books in Persian. Since childhood, she has had to deal […]

وفاداری عجیب خانواده پیمان به خدا علیرغم بیماری پاراپلژیای پیمان

Parisa explains about the painful journey of her brother, Peyman. He became a paraplegic when he was 19 years old. During his military service, he suffered a stroke. Peyman was under a lot of pressure because of his Christian faith and his family suspect this may have contributed to the stroke. Parisa and her parents have been looking after him […]

داستان وفاداری مهدی عزیز به خدا علیرغم محدودیتهای جسمی

A brief summary of Mahdi’s life story for the English speaking viewers: Mahdi, who is 50 years old, suffered from cerebral palsy disorder just after birth. He has very limited movements in his legs and in his right hand. He is partially paralyzed. Despite his physical disability, he has made many academic and sporting achievements. He is a born-again believer […]